Friday, May 20, 2011


Its Friday. Boy did I get down on Friday.
So i decided to have caloric binge. I don't like to fast on my period. I don't get cravings during my period. I just don't. I went out for burgers because I feel that if I don't eat while on period I feel sick. like really sick.  like throwing up and lying in the corner and having an upset stomach wishing for the end to come soon...
SOOOOOO... yeah.

breakfast: 0 cals
lunch:0 cals
dinner :
sirloin Swiss & grilled onion burger 883 cals
medium Dr. pepper 363 cals
med curly fries  425 cals
small curly fries 280 cals
ranch  130 cals
 2081 cals total

I hope this is enough fuel for  the rest of the weekend.

love you guys
stay strong


  1. i hate having my period. it will be over soon. Hope your weekend goes well<3

  2. I bet dinner was yummy though!

  3. Your period will be over and then you can eat less again.
    Stay strong ♥
